Tami's Charm Bracelet
"The actual bracelet was copied from a vintage Chanel ad in a magazine. My mother had it made for me for a Christmas present. She added a few charms..I believe the fish and the bike? I started adding charms from places I visited (San Francisco, Jamaica, NZ, Africa, Paris, London, New Orleans, Italy, Australia, Amsterdam, etc...) The crab/ruby is my zodiac and birthstone (July). The turtle represents my alma mater, Maryland (Terrapins). I found the Commandments many years ago along with the tri-color three rings in the French Quarter in New Orleans and they were so cheap! :) The BEF seal represents the foundation I work for - we raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research, etc... The two recent additions are the bible and the birthday calendar which I just got for Christmas from Charmco. I was given the calendar as a gift and I selected the bible with my gift certificates. I figured the bracelet needed it....I had visited the showroom around the time Russia invaded Ukraine and I thought I needed to add some faith to the bracelet. All the other additions were things I had laying around and would never wear on a pendant -- so I added them!"