Robin Lee's Charm Bracelet
"I purchased the guitar and bicycle charms in remembrance of my father who just passed away last month. Growing up he and I shared a passion for competitive riding and those rides became a weekend tradition for he and I. The guitar also represents him as he was in a band pretty much his whole life. He had even make an album when he was in the service. He passed on a beautiful love of all music to me and I have now passed it down to my children creating many wonderful moments together. The cruise I purchased to remind me of the joy of feel when we cruise. It is always a very happy and memorable time we share with family and friends who cruise with us. The scuba mask and snorkel I purchased to represent my love for the subject. Snorkeling and diving are such beautiful & freeing experiences that it is hard to put into words. The Northern Star is one I purchased to remind me to always reach for the stars. The cross I purchased and a symbol of my unwavering faith and the reminder of the countless blessings I have received in my lifetime. The Cornell University Charm I purchased as a symbol of what of my proudest accomplishments. Receiving my degree from such a prestigious school made me feel as though I could conquer the world and I never want to lose sight of the hard work and dedication I put into achieving that dream. My rainbow charm I purchased for the simple beauty and wander of rainbows. They are something I am always in awe of."